
Nereid depends on a handful of Python libraries including Tryton.

So how do you get all that on your system quickly? There are many ways you could do that, but the most advanced method is virtualenv. The Flask Documentation has a detailed section on using virtualenv to install Flask. You could refer to the same and then follow the instructions below.


virtualenvs are isolated Python environments.

If you are on Mac OS X or Linux, chances are that one of the following two commands will work for you in creating a virtualenv:

$ sudo easy_install virtualenv

or even better

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

One of these will probably install virtualenv on your system.

The preferred way is to use your package manager. On Debian or Ubuntu systems use

$ sudo apt-get install virtualenv

A very comfortable extension for managing multiple environments is virtualenvwrapper.

$ sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper


While developing and running on Windows is not recommended there are some detailed instructions for Windows in Some tips for installation on Windows.

Once you have virtualenvwrapper installed, it is able to manage separate directories for your project files and the virtualenv libraries thus keeping your project directory clean.

Just add the following line to your ~/.bashrc

export PROJECT_HOME=<your_project_home>

and you are ready to fire up a shell and create your own environment.

With virtualenvwrapper creating a new a project is as simple as

$ mkproject myproject

Now, whenever you want to work on a project, you only have to activate the corresponding environment. On OS X and Linux, do the following:

$ workon myproject

Either way, you should now be using your virtualenv (notice how the prompt of your shell has changed to show the active environment).

Now you can just enter the following command to get Nereid activated in your virtualenv:

$ pip install m9s-nereid

A few seconds, and you are good to go.

System-Wide Installation

This is possible as well, though usually not recommended. Could be a way to go in isolated containers. You have been warned! Just run pip with root privileges

$ sudo pip install m9s-nereid

Living on the Edge

If you want to work with the latest version of Nereid, you can tell it to operate on a git checkout. Either way, virtualenv is strongly recommended.

Get the git checkout in a new virtualenv and run in development mode

$ git clone
$ pip install -e nereid

This will pull in the dependencies and activate the git head as the current version inside the virtualenv. Then all you have to do is run git pull origin to update to the latest version.

Cloning for Development

If you are cloning the repository for development or updating the documentation, you also need to initialise the git submodules for the theme used in the documentation.

$ git clone
$ cd nereid
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update